Library Endowment Funds
Endowments are a unique way to recognize and honor family members, friends, and others with an enduring legacy that will benefit future generations of Mercer University students and scholars.
Library collection endowments are a unique opportunity, compared to other types of endowments, because they provide a tangible and constantly growing contribution to the university. The positive effects of each endowment begin immediately and are additive over time as both the corpus grows and the number of items purchased increases. Each year with new additions the endowed activity becomes larger, further enriching the Library’s impact on teaching, learning, and scholarship.
The Mercer University Libraries have a number of endowments established by individuals with exceptional vision that ensure the continuing prominence of the Library by to enhancing areas that complement the University’s academic programs, research and service.
The existing endowments, listed below, welcome your endorsement or you are invited to create your own endowment to support your favored program area – for example, special collections, staff development, innovative library technology – or for general use in the areas of greatest need.

Current Endowments
- Tarver Book Endowment
For building book collections for Tarver Library
- Wiley Howard Holsenbeck Endowment Fund
For the purchase of library materials in memory of Wiley Howard Holsenbeck, especially those published by the University of North Carolina Press, made possible by his son, Howard Holsenbeck
- Frank Dorsey and May Holsenbeck Fund
For the purchase of books for Tarver Library in memory of Frank Dorsey and May Holsenbeck, made possible by their grandson, Howard Holsenbeck
- Bruce Bell Rabun Endowment Fund
For building library collections at Tarver Library, especially history and reference collections
- Lansdell-Kilpatrick Endowment Fund
For building Tarver Library collections in religion, philosophy, and ethics
For supporting research and scholarship using Baptist history collections at Mercer University
For the purchase of library materials in memory of Perry C. Bramlett, especially those by and about C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, George MacDonald and other British Christian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries
Shawna Dooley
Associate Vice President for Advancement
1400 Coleman Avenue
Macon, GA 31207
(800) 837-2911